Skip Count by 2’s

Math is part of children’s everyday lives. Math is an important part of learning for children in the early years because it provides vital life skills. The introduction of several basic pre-math and math concepts helps children develop analytical and logical thinking. Our videos for math time cover a variety of concepts like shapes, numeracy, etc.

Letter A

Phonics is a critical part of language development. With the Phonics programme kids learn the appropriate sound and pronunciation of letters. Our phonics programme ensures improvement in reading skills and efficiency.

Tiny's Huge Dream

Moral stories are very important lessons in our everyday lives. When these stories are introduced in a fun way, children learn to associate themselves to the current situations and characters and learn the concepts easily. Moral stories help in building the ethics and values in children. Our moral-based videos allow children to connect to their everyday life and expand their understanding of the world around them.

Five Little Monkeys

Music helps children make discoveries about themselves and the world around them and develop a larger vocabulary. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression. Our songs and rhymes range from classic rhymes to different concept rhymes.

The Hare and The Tortoise

Moral stories are very important lessons in our everyday lives. When these stories are introduced in a fun way, children learn to associate themselves to the current situations and characters and learn the concepts easily. Moral stories help in building the ethics and values in children. Our moral-based videos allow children to connect to their everyday life and expand their understanding of the world around them.

Letter A Makes New Friends

Language development is a critical part of child development. Language development is important for children to allow them the ability to adequately exchange information with others in a meaningful way. Learning to understand, use and enjoy language is the critical first step in literacy and the basis for learning to read and write. Our videos and songs for language time cover a variety of concepts like letter recognition, vocabulary, grammar, etc.

Number Two Has The Flu

Math is part of children’s everyday lives. Math is an important part of learning for children in the early years because it provides vital life skills. The introduction of several basic pre-math and math concepts helps children develop analytical and logical thinking. Our videos for math time cover a variety of concepts like shapes, numeracy, etc.

Solar System

Learning about the different things, places and people in the environment helps the children lay a foundation for lifelong learning. Our videos offer topics of study that focus on the interest of the children, social context, and real-world problems in an effort to connect learning to authentic experiences that engage children. Our theme-based videos provide compartmentalized information to the children.

The Arrogance of Mahabali Bheem

In our daily lives, children are exposed to multiple rituals and traditions interwoven with various mythological stories and references. However, with an increasing number of nuclear families and the busy lives of all adults, the exposure to such stories and their learnings at home is getting compromised. This is one of the prime reasons for adding Tradition, Culture and Mythology on this platform.